This study examined the validity of claimed Nutraceutical benefits of Moringa oleifera products through the lens of consumers’ perceptions and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for perceived benefits. Data were randomly collected from 120 sampled Moringa consumers. Results indicate that knowledge of Moringa oleifera’s benefits is high among respondents and Moringa is consumed for various preventive and curative purposes. On the average, respondents were willing to pay about 5% over and above the current price of Moringa product so as to have access to perceived product’s Nutraceutical benefits. WTP was found to be significantly influenced by perception of efficacy of product’s benefits (p = 0.01), education (p = 0.02) and occupation of respondents (p = 0.03). The study emphasizes the need for further clinical and pharmacological double- blind placebo test trials to ascertain the acclaimed therapeutic benefits of the product.