期刊名称:The Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (JSDA)
出版社:Institute of Sustainable Development in Africa
摘要:Zimbabwe is perhaps one of the few countries in the world with the highest density/concentration of dry stone walls hence, the evolution of the term "Zimbabwe Type Site". Zimbabwe Type site is a term that is used in archaeology to refer to particular styles of walling in Iron Age stone wall ruins (Encyclopedia, 1987). There are over 300 dry stone walls in southern Africa but they are mostly concentrated on the Zimbabwean plateau. Masvingo Province in which Great Zimbabwe is located, has a number of recorded Iron Age sites most of them with great potential of improving the livelihoods of host communities through ecotourism if properly managed, harnessed and marketed. Chibvumani, the case study adopted in this study, is one such site. The site has archaeological, e ducational, religious as well as economical values. The local communities, stakeholders who used to benefit economically or otherwise from the aforementioned site in the early 80s are currently co-managing the site with Mamutse primary school (a local school that has been given the responsibility by National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ) to look after the general maintenance of the site on behalf of NMMZ) under the adopt-a-site programme , which however is creating proble ms with local leadership and other community members. The problems are in turn causing challenges and dilemmas for NMMZ. This paper explores the challenges and dilemmas around Chibvumani heritage site which indeed have negatively impacte d on the manageme nt and development of the site into an ecotourist centre. Considering the site's strategic location which is at the centre of the upcoming Mtema ecotourism centre and Birchnough Bridge which are about 30km away, the paper further explore the potentialities of Chibvumani as both a heritage site and ecotourism centre