摘要:U radu su prikazani rezultati empirijskog istraživanja koje je re-ali-zovano u okviru projekta Didaktičko usavršavanje univerzitetskih saradnika (14T19/11), a odnose se na primenu savremene obrazovne tehnologije u visokoškolskoj nastavi. U prvom delu rada pokušali smo da kroz teorijsko promišljanje i razmatranje istraživačkog problema pojasnimo, odnosno, proniknemo u društvenu i individualnu suštinu obrazovnih potreba asistenata pripravnika za didaktičko-metodičkim usavršavanjem u ovoj oblasti. Analizirajući i interpretirajući rezultate empirijskog istraživanja nastojali smo, u drugom delu rada, da utvrdimo i sagledamo postojeće stanje u pogledu didaktičko-metodičke osposobljenosti asistenata pripravnika za primenu savremenih obrazovnih sredsa-va u nastavnom radu u odnosu na ono "kakvo bi trebalo da bude", odnosno, da identifikujemo obrazovne potrebe asistenata za usavršavanjem iz ove oblasti i, uz određene napomene praktičarima i svim subjektima visokoškolske obrazovne politike, u završnom delu rada, ukažemo na pravce, mogućnosti i potrebu njihovog permanentnog zadovoljavanja
其他摘要:The paper presents the results of an empirical research that was carried out within the project Didactic Advanced Training of the University Junior Teaching Staff (14T19/11). The research was focused on the application of state-of-the-art educational technology in higher education. In the first part of the paper the authors, relying on theoretical contemplation and consideration of the set research problem, attempted to clarify, or rather get through to the social and individual essence of educational needs of junior assistants for advanced training in didactics and teaching methods. Analyzing and interpreting the obtained results, the authors made an effort in the second part of the paper to determine and inspect closely the current level of didactic-methodological competence of junior assistants in terms of their ability to implement state-of-the-art teaching facilities, comparing it with the "should be" situation. In other words, the aim was to identify the educational needs of junior assistants for further advanced training in this area and, with certain comments in the closing part of the paper intended for the practitioners and other subjects of higher education policy, to point to the directions, possibilities and necessity of their permanent satisfaction