出版社:American Sociological Association Section on Political Economy of the World System
摘要:Japan's trajectory unde r globalization is critically reviewed using t he world-system pe rspect ive and the methodology of historical sociology. The Japanese miracle in the post-war period was a result of interplay bet ween world-syste mic o pportunit ies and inte rnal and regional inst itutional t ransformation. Japanese success invited US policy changes, ending the growth regime of accumulation in which state-led national e conomic develop-ment was pursue d with distribut ional conces-sions given to worke rs. It is argued t hat mis-guided polic ies based on incorrect economic theories under the strong yen, pushed by the US since 1985, prepared a bubble t hat then burst. The institutions that had provided the Japanese miracle became the source of prob-lems as Japan entere d t he debacle period in the 1990s. The Japanese debacle was part of the phenomenon of a 'prosperous US and the debacle of the rest.' This development was a result of the change in the regime of accumu-lation from a growth regime to a dist ribution regime where the rentier class took control of distribution and the project of nat ional economic deve lopme nt was replaced by the monopolistic compet ition of global corpora-ti ons. For Ja pan, both trad itiona lism and ne o-liberalism are dysfunct ional. In the short run, Japan as a societ y ne eds to foc us on survival and the maintenance of people's living stan-dards under the new rule s of the accumulation game impo sed by t he US. In the medium run, Japan needs to challenge US dollar hege mony ushered in by the new rules. In the long run, the Japanese need to examine whet her t hey should keep engaging in the game of capitalist acc umulation