出版社:American Sociological Association Section on Political Economy of the World System
摘要:The events of 9/11 have rekindled interest in the social sciences concerning t he global factors responsible for t ransnat ional te rror-ism. Two opposing frameworks currently dominate the scene: proponents of a " destruc-tive globalization" appro ach argue that pro-cesse s re lated to the trans-nationalizat ion of capital produce native resistance in the more economically disadvantaged areas of t he globe that is manifested as transnational terrorist at tacks, espe cially against the u.s., "civilizing globalization" arguments point to precisely the oppo site effect: economic globalization through the spread of markets and material go ods brings with it prosperit y and higher living standards, thus defusing the motiva-tion to engage in high-risk political violence. In this paper, I propose an additional frame-work that goes be yond the narrow realism of the de structive globalizat ion and civilizing globalization perspective s by examining the role of t he globalizat ion of world culture in the production of anti-u.s. terrorism. I argue that looking at the role of world cult ural struc-turation is important because even though economic globalization may help create local grievances out side of the most economically advantaged areas of the world, cult ural glo-balization provides the requisite models of individual and organizational ac tion and the interpretive schemas that "empower" lo cal ac-tors with the const itut ive capacity to engage in high-risk acts of polit ical violence and al-lows them to make local/global connections. I te st this framework using time-series world-leve l data in order to e xamine the global cor-relate s of anti-u.s. terrorist ac tivit y for the last 30 years. The results provide mixed support for both civilizing globalization and destruc-tive globalization viewpoints. Further, and in accord with the model proposed here, cultural globalization has a po sitive effect on the rate of anti-u.s. terrorist activity