摘要:In winning the sprint for economic growt h, most of the developing nations seem to have failed in assessing the size of the pool of their latent energy and visualizing whether t hey have enough strength to achieve their coveted target. It has now been universally acknowledged that a healthy society is a better bet for a country's development than a wealthy society comprising only a small fraction of its population. The history of the developed nations of the world gives enough testimony to the fact that creating healthy people is fundamental to the well-being of a nation and economic prosperity would follow if it is supported by growing size of human capital. The less developed nations are yet to identify the role of public health in the march towards their overall development. In common parlance, health care means diagnosis and cure of any disease, but, as the World Health Organis ition holds, it encompasses the preventives which eliminate or at least minimize the possibities of the occurrence of diseases, the curatives which imply diagnosing the ailme nt and curing the patie nt, and also the rehabilitative measures aimed at rehabilitating the victims of some fierce diseases