摘要:Despite the many studies of Hmong in the United States over the past two decades, little is known specifically about how mature Hmong men are adapting to life following their resettlement. Anecdotes describing the often dramatic problems mature Hmong men encounter suggest a need to more closely study this population. A variety of factors are said to lead to problems for Hmong men after resettlement. Women are finding it easier to find work outside the home and to learn English. The traditional male role of decisionmaker is increasingly devalued as children seek more independence. Furthermore, since youth often serve as intermediaries between adults and mainstream instutitions because of their language skills, this again reverses traditional power relationships. The ability of a male head of household to provide for his family is greatly diminished with even the AFDC checks made out in the mother's name. Too often stories circulate of once powerful military officers and village chiefs living in isolated poverty and dependent on others