期刊名称:Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology
出版社:MAXWELL Science Publication
摘要:Properties of flour from blanched tubers of two water yam (Dioscorea alata) cultivars were compared with those from the non blanched ones. The results showed that the proximate composition of flours from the yellow cultivar was different from that of the purple cultivar. Steam blanching (97±2°C, 7 min) on the purple cultivar resulted in more significant reduction on yield and the Lightness (L) value. However, it had significant effect on some components of the flours such as protein, ash, amylose and fiber. Results of proximate composition showed crude fat yellow and purple water yam ranging from 0.4 to 0.55%, crude protein 5-8%, dietary fiber 16-26% and starch 41-76%. Starch granule size between 20-40 &mum. Blanched yellow water yam flour has the highest water and oil absorption which is 2.02 and 1.18 g/g. Dioscorine and water soluble polysaccharides, bioactive components from Dioscorea, of purple water yam flour are larger than the yellow flour. Purple water yam flour is better to be proceed as a functional food because it has a high peak viscosity, more stable to heat and has greater content of bioactive compounds. Steam blanching decrease the yield of dioscorine and water soluble polysaccharide.
关键词:Dioscorea alata; dioscorin; diosgenin; functional properties; water soluble polysaccharides; ;