摘要:In this study the in vivo effect of natural micronised clinoptilolite and clinoptilolite forte (clinoptilolite + 40 % extract of pulverised dried leaves of Urtica dioica L.) on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidative capacity in mice was examined. This was done by measuring the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and total superoxide dismutase content in the liver homogenate, and total antioxidant status in the plasma. The results obtained showed that the 12.5 % of tribomechanically micronised mineral zeolite forte supplemented to food during 3 weeks significantly reduced lipid peroxidation process in the liver. This was paralleled with a significant increase of total superoxide dismutase content, which was observed with both clinoptilolite and clinoptilolite forte. This study demonstrates that clinoptilolite forte might be a novel class of lipid peroxidation inhibitors and potent antioxidant.