摘要:Corporate culture indicates the fundamental values, norms and belief systems embraced by the members. Corporations transmit these fundamental values to its members through var currentpos,timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()",10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0,++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initialize231 symbols and corporate culture gains a concrete attribute via symbols. Corporate culture enables some acquisitions both for the corporation and its members and in this respect, it has a functional structure. While schools are a corporation, they are a subject to corporate culture studies and analysis. In the literature, corporate culture in educational corporations is named as school culture. In academic studies directed to school culture, attention is directed to subjects as positive school culture, structural models directed to school culture and sub-culture of school culture (e.g. student sub-culture ect.). Accordingly, in this study subjects as corporate culture, school culture, structural models, positive school culture and shaping culture take place and as a subculture of school culture, the perceptions of students on school culture compose the research topic of the study. The study aims at displaying the perceptions of the students from Ege University Faculty of Communication on school culture