摘要:Exhibition Experiments is an edited collection of philosophical musings and practice-baseddiscussion about the potential of museum exhibitions to think through different aspects of theoryand practice of representation in experimental ways. The concept of experimentation hererefers both to the speculative and multifaceted process of discovery and knowledge productionand to a willingness to push the boundaries of conventional exhibitionary forms. Although manydifferent exhibitions are discussed, the editors draw explicitly on the insights of Science Studiestheorists such as Bruno Latour and John Law who analyse scientific practice as a space forcritical investigation and creative practice in (an often reflexive) social and political context. Themuseum is conceived as a kind of laboratory in which contemporary exhibitionary practice is'also an experimental practice¡a site for the generation rather than reproduction of knowledgeand experience.' (Basu and Macdonald, introduction: 2). In this laboratory, 'various 'actants'(visitors, curators, objects, technologies, institutional and architectural spaces, and so forth) arebrought into relation with each other with no sure sense of what the result will be. The exhibitionsdiscussed are, it might be said, 'experiments in meaning-making' (ibid: 2-3).