This article explores the extent to which socio-demographic characteristics influence knowledge, trust, risk perception and acceptance of an emerging scientific technology, geosequestration or carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) in geological formations, which is positioned as a possible response to the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. An online survey of 1273 Australian adults highlighted the general public’s lack of knowledge about CCS yet willingness to engage and learn about this technology. Compared to men, women were less accepting of CCS and more concerned about safety, risk and effectiveness. Those with a higher education were more aware of the greenhouse gas debate and supportive of CCS, whilst younger Australians were more trusting of information providers to “tell the truth” about CCS. By identifying key attitudes, expectations and fears of specific sub-groups towards CCS, this research provides an initial basis for developing effective public policy and community engagement, risk communication and education strategies for this emerging technology in Australia.