摘要:[1]As we stand at the cusp of the 21st century there exists a deep chasm between the epistemological worldviews of science and some religious traditions. On the one hand, scientists are developing exponentially an understanding and insight into the foundational questions explaining human existence, especially through human molecular genetics. On the other hand, millenialists (primarily fundamentalists) claim the imminent end of the world and have little tolerance for, understanding of, or interest in, such scientific endeavors. John Avise's book presents a "simplified discussion" (vi) of recent findings in evolutionary-genetics. In a detailed study, Avise depicts the profound impact genes have not only on our physiological makeup, but also on our spiritual, emotional, psychological, ethical and religious characteristics. Our genes or "genetic gods" explain much about who we are as human beings and provide insight into ultimate questions that are typically reserved for theology or mythology. Avise's goal is to "diminish the hostility" (vii) between these differing epistemological perspectives. In demonstrating the inherent compatibility between science and religion, he structures the 8 chapters of his book according to various theistic traditions' doctrines, myths and beliefs