摘要:Leadership is a word that spins through personal and professional conversations. Observations of leaders during the "September 11" national crisis revealed people wanted direction and sought comfort from their leaders. During the crisis, leaders quickly became heroes with noble causes. However, leaders remain, in day-to-day activities, common people striving to improve organizations and activities. Employers request "leadership" be included as a part of the perfect applicant's resume. Members of struggling student and volunteer organizations call for the emergence of leaders who can increase member involvement. And political candidates continually reference "leadership experience" in their campaign marketing strategies. Clearly, in 2002, leadership continues to be a concept of interest. Although leadership is an important topic and successful leaders are emerging, questions continue to surround this dynamic concept. Leadership educators are on the cusp; they hold the educational keys to unlock the mysteries of leadership. Leadership educators are hired to provide programs, teach leadership concepts, and develop leaders. But, has this group reaped the rewards from known facts, research, and development efforts. Are leadership educators focusing on methods to steer the discipline forward. Are leadership educators driving fantasy programs or factual programs. To seek the answers to these questions, leadership educators are challenged to seek answers to contemporary questions such as