摘要:Malaysia has some of the biggest and longest caves in the world, some caves are archaeological sites, others are beautiful with stunning stalagmites and stalactites, and maybe underground rivers. Some caves are home to a wide variety of cave fauna such as bats, swiftlets, snakes, and invertebrates. The caves in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, are internationally known. Mulu was inscribed as a World Heritage site in 2001. Some of the caves there are world record holders, such as Gua Nasib Bagus, which houses the world's largest chamber, Sarawak Chamber. Clearwater Cave is currently 11th longest in the world, at 151 km. Deer Cave is one of the world's largest cave passages. Niah Caves, also in Sarawak, is a famous archaeological site, where a 40,000 year old human skull was found and rock paintings that have been dated at 1200 years old. Sabah has caves well known for their birds' nest industry, Gua Gomantong being the most famous