The paper presents a comparative analysis of dental patients degree of satisfaction. The study covered patients of public and private dental outpatient clinics and services. An anonymous questionnaire developed by the authors was a research tool. The results were statistically analyzed.
Patients chose their dentist according to an acquaintance’s opinion (53%), and the price of service (51%). They admitted professionalism of dentists as the most essential factor connected with the quality of medical services (88%). Other factors were the following: kindness (63%), and taking into account patients’ needs (40%). Patients’ answers show they are satisfied with services provided by dentists and both the services not directly connected with treatment (85.94% positive opinions).
The knowledge about patients’ expectations is a very important element of high-quality medical services. It is the patient who, by evaluating particular aspects of diagnostic and therapeutic process, can indicate deficiencies and make the service provider sensitive to his or her needs