Unemployment is a serious problem causing numerous negative consequences both for an individual and for a family. The influence of unemployment on the family functioning is an important social problem because unemployment significantly disorganises the family life and often leads to its dysfunction. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of unemployment on the relationships within the family and the material situation of families. The study was conducted from April to June 2003 among 200 people registered at the City and Powiat Labour Office in Lublin. The study method was a diagnostic survey, and the technique – a questionnaire. The study results were analysed statistically.
The analysis of the study results showed that a direct effect of unemployment is a financial impoverishment of the family. Most respondent claimed that their income was not sufficient to meet basic needs. Having a scarce budget, the respondents gave up, in the first place, buying new clothes, more expensive food, hygiene products and expenditure on culture and recreation. Professional inactivity affects also the way the unemployed feel. The study shows that most unemployed, after losing their jobs, had a feeling of having been harmed, of fear and despair. The consequences of losing a job are felt not only by the unemployed themselves but also by their families. Unemployment is followed not only by the worsening of the financial and social situation, but in the firs place – of the atmosphere in the family. The study results showed that unemployment is a cause of many conflicts between spouses, and between parents and children. Such a situation results in weakening emotional bonds in the family, which disturbs its proper functioning.
On the basis of the study, it can be stated that the phenomenon of unemployment caused negative changes in various spheres of the family life; the changes affect the living standard of the whole society