The studies have shown the information and technical organisational link functioning in a hospital. The relevant questionnaire was distributed among the hospital medium and lower level staff and among the heads of departments. Statistical analysis showed that a majority of the respondents’ answers significantly depended on their affiliation to a specific worker group. 50% of managing nurses and baby nurses in pointed out either department or co-ordinating nurse as a source of information on the current tasks. Among the other worker groups the opinion prevailed that a large number of people provide the relevant information. It can cause a so called information chaos. According to the respondents, the best form of providing information is the written one. The questioned persons were in favour of a full circulation of information between the hospital’s working units. In the opinion of 90% of the respondents it improves work quality in organisational cells, consolidates teams (77% of answers), and improves the atmosphere (87% of answers) in the working environment.