The aim of the research was to evaluate the implementation of drug addiction prophylactics by primary care physicians and to determine how this is dependent on their place of work.
The questionnaire was filled by 410 first contact physicians, working in district ambulatories and in health care centres of the lubelski region. The analysis showed a positive attitude of the respondents to all activities that should be undertaken in the area of drug addiction prophylactics. Raising the whole society’s awareness of the danger and early education at school were considered the most important. Doctors from district ambulatories and doctors from health care centres equally confirmed the necessity of such activities. The smallest percentage of the respondents saw the need of educating doctors.
Few respondents encountered a training course in drug addiction prophylactics at their place of work. A significantly greater proportion of doctors working at district ambulatories participated in this form of education.
According to the respondents, the implementation of drug addiction prophylactics should be ensured by the Ministry of National Education or the health care system, and preferably, all the institutions together, including judiciary.
The study revealed large gaps in the knowledge of the drug addiction prophylactics programme in the respondents. Half of them, regardless of their place of work, had not come across it in their medical practices. Therefore, the need of education in the area of drug addiction, both during medical studies and post-diploma courses, was indicated.
It follows from the analysis that in the primary health care, a broadly understood prophylactics and education is not conducted, and the undertaken activities concern only selected risk groups.