In the article the concept of information society was presented in the aspect of public health and with emphasis on issues connected with the access to information that support decisions in the area of health education, prevention and treatment. Concepts of equity in health and health safety were discussed.
The authors showed the main aim of the National Health Programme - an improvement in health and life quality and a decrease in inequity in health. The authors performed a short analysis of eight strategic health aims and operational aims of the Programme dealing with selected populations and risk factors detailing those aims, for the implementation of which the development of information society has a fundamental importance. The authors also presented actions necessary for the implementation of all the aims of the National Health Programme. In the next part of the analysis, the authors pointed to the objective 2.2 of the Strategy of Health Care Development for the years of 2007-2013 presupposing reduction of information deficiencies in the area of shaping health policy, emphasizing at the same time the importance of the computerization process not only from the patient’s point of view but also the health care providers’ and system administrators’. At the end, the authors presented the usage of information technologies and solutions based on them connected with health. They concern ways, tools of organization and health care management (e-Health, evidence-based health care management), methods and diagnostic-therapeutic procedures (evidencebased medicine).
The presented analysis makes it possible to conclude that the development of health care and protection of equity in health are dependent on the development of information infrastructure. Poland will develop towards the information society. Advantages resulting from the development of information society in the area of health include: system management, an increase in equity in health of every citizen and greater possibilities of diagnosis in the teleinformation system.