The aim of the study is to present the legal status of the disabled persons, basing on the valid legal regulations. Both the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997 and the Act of August 21, 1997 concerning occupational and social rehabilitation and employment of the disabled persons, discuss the rights and duties of the disabled persons. There are also regulations included in the Act of March 12, 2004, concerning the social support and the Act of November 28, 2003 concerning family benefi ts and the Act of September 7, 2007 concerning the assistance to persons eligible for getting alimentation. However the regulations included in the above mentioned acts, due to their general character, laxity, vagueness and the inconsistency with the fundamental law restrict the disabled persons to realize their rights. Lack of cohesion between the Constitutional rights and the regulations concerning the status of the disabled persons, negatively infl uences their situation.