摘要:Diseases transmitted by ticks, also called transmissive diseases, belong to zoonoses and constitute a serious problem, especially in forestry and agricultural envinronment, as occupational diseases.Aim. The objective of the study was an evaluation of the state of knowledge of tick-borne diseases and prevention measures in forestry workers.Material and methods. An anonymous survey was conducted among 157 forest exploitation workers employed in 4 forest inspectorates subordinated to the Regional Management of National Forests in Lublin. The questionnaire form consisted of questions concerning clinics, epidemiology and prophylaxis of tick-borne diseases, using personal protection at work and suggestions and expectations of forestry workers concerning the prophylaxis of borreliosis and other tick-borne diseases.Results. The majority out of 157 forestry workers (87.3%) revealed basic knowledge in the scope of tick-transmitted diseases. The most frequent preventive activities were: vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis (80% of all examined), prophylactic medical examinations (over 90%) and application of repellents on the skin at work (75%). Among expectations, the most frequent replies concerned suggestions of more frequent prophylactic examinations (37% of respondents), as well as dissemination of educational materials.Conclusions. Forestry workers possess basic knowledge in epidemiology and prophylaxis of tick-borne diseases. Prophylaxis of tick-borne diseases among population groups at high occupational risk, including prophylactic examinations and educational activities, should be among the principal tasks of occupational medicine and OSH services.
关键词:tick-transmitted diseases; forestry workers; preventive measures; state of knowledge; choroby przenoszone przez kleszcze; pracownicy leśnictwa; środki zapobiegawcze; stan wiedzy