出版社:Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Gujarat
摘要:Background:A cross sectional study was conducted to study thelevel of knowledge and attitude about PostExposure Prophylaxis (PEP) among nursingstudents of Nagpur. Pre tested closed endedquestionnaires were completed before and after aneducational intervention to assess the knowledgeretention in the students.Method:The study is a cross sectional study with a pre-testand post-test conducted among 108 nursingstudents of a Nursing college in Nagpur. Thequestionnaire consisted of a total of 19 questionswith sections of general information of thestudents followed by facts about HIV and AIDS,prevention and lastly PEP.Result:The knowledge in pre test session was poor in allthe three sections. It was observed that knowledgeon all the three aspects improved in the post testsession. The increase in knowledge wasstatistically significant for all the three sections.The retention of knowledge imparted to thestudents was satisfactory.Conclusion:Nurses are probably the most vulnerable of all thehealth care workers to get exposed to theoccupational hazard of HIV infection. Sadly theknowledge regarding various vital aspects of thisplague of modern times is unsatisfactory in thisimportant health workforce. However it isencouraging to note that the situation can berapidly changed using simple methods of teachingand discussions focused on the topic
关键词:PEP; Nursing students; Pre and;Post test; HIV; AIDS