出版社:Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
摘要:Concentrations of some heavy metals in crops such as banana, pawpaw, maize, sugarcane and mango irrigated with water from Makera drain, Kaduna-Nigeria were investigated. These were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) technique. The metals were found to be in the magnitude of Zn> Pb> Cr >Cu, while that of the trace metals are Mg>Na>Ca in decreasing order of magnitude. There was varying level of significance (p<0.05) with increased concentrations of the determined metals. The high lead and chromium concentration (above WHO limit) in the irrigated crops may lead to its toxic effects as it can bio-accumulate in the tissues and muscles of human and domestic animals that utilize them as feed. It is thus observed that the water from the Makera drain used to irrigate crops may have delibetating effect on the consumers. Consumption of crops irrigated along the drain should be discouraged as it might contain high concentration of chromium and other toxic substances