出版社:Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
摘要:In the early 20th century to the 1070s in this country, library utilization formed an indispensable arm in the teaching/learning process especially at the secondary school level.Sound graduates were produced as a result. Could the same be said today of our graduates both at the secondary and tertiary levels of our school system? This research therefore was carried out to investigate whether the library has become a myth in the attainment of success at the school certificate level. One hypothesis was formulated to guide the study: “the performances of secondary school students in their examination are not significantly influenced by the use of library services” 200 outgone and present out-going SS III students (100 each) were investigated. Hypothesis was tested by means of chi-square technique at the 0.5 level Hypothesis was accepted and it was recommended that the Nigerian Library Association should go beyond publications and conferences to meet with State Governors and Commissioner of education on how to set aside a considerable budget for the revamping of Library Education in Nigeria.