摘要:During the past few years, Iranian auto industries sell their products directly to customers and the increase competition among domestic auto makers has increased motivation to pay especial attention to their customers. This paper investigates relationship between marketing and customer’s loyalty. The study designs a questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part is associated with customer information, the second part considers relationship marketing factors and the third part measures components of customer’s loyalty. Cronbach alpha in relationship marketing, loyalty and overall alpha were measured 0.878, 0.891 and 0.712, respectively. Obtained data were analyzed using LISREL software. Ranking the components of the internal and external latent variable are discussed by using the Friedman test and our investigation indicates that some components are not meaningful when the level of significance is five percent. Based on the results of Freedman test, common sense is the most important factor with relative weight of 4.08, followed by relationship (4.01), trust (3.90), commitment(3.86), trouble shooting (2.88) and for the variable of loyalty, quality(3.89), reputation(3.57), decoration(3.4), responsibility(2.96), clients seeking variety (1.75) have the highest average respectively. Note that the results of Friedman test are consistent with the results of structural equation modeling. Chi-Square values have been calculated as 597.701 and 108.917 for marketing relationship and loyalty, respectively.