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  • 标题:The Eastern Origin of English Words
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  • 作者:Ömer Şekerci
  • 期刊名称:Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
  • 电子版ISSN:1305-578X
  • 出版年度:2007
  • 卷号:3
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:150-167
  • 出版社:Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
  • 摘要:Etymology is a branch of linguistics describing the origin of words, their changeand development. To-day the far reaching advances in linguistics and in ELT and EFLoblige us, teachers of English to know well not only the language itself but about thelanguage as well. So are they for the English vocabulary. This paper explains thereasons for the percentage of borrowings in the English language. Explanations for thisshould be sought in the eventful history of England. If to summarize the origin of theEnglish vocabulary, it can be roughly called Anglo-Saxon, Norman, Scandinavian andFrench. However, the borrowings are not confined only to these languages. There areborrowings from Arabic, Turkish, Indian and many others. Some of the borrowingshave been fully adapted to the phonetic system of the English language, while otherslook and sound as loan words. The English language can be regarded as the mosthospitable language in the world
  • 关键词:Eastern origin words; loan words; origin; teaching of foreign language;vocabulary;.zet;Dilbiliminin bir alt kolu olan etimoloji; s.zcüklerin k.kenlerini; de.i.imlerini ve;geli.imlerini inceler. Dilbilim; .DE ve YDE alan.ndaki son derece h.zl. ve yo.un;geli.meler; ara.t.rmac.lar. .ngilizce'nin s.z da.arc...n.n k.keni üzerinde .al..maya;sevk etmektedir. .ngilizce'deki .dün. kelimelerin say.s. .ok fazlad.r. Bu makalede;.ngilizce'ye bilhassa Arap.a; Fars.a ve Türk.e'den ge.en yayg.n kullan.m. olan;s.zcükler ve ge.i. süre.leri ele al.nm..t.r. .ngilizce'deki .dün. kelimelerin;a..klamalar.n.; .ok geni. bir co.rafyaya yay.lan .ngiliz tarihinde aramak gerekir.;.ngilizce'deki s.zcükler; ekseriyetle Anglo-Sakson; Norman; .skandinav ve Frans.zca;k.kenlidir. Fakat .dün. kelimeler sadece bunlarla s.n.rland.r.lamaz. .ngilizce'ye di.er; var currentpos;timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()";10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0;++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initializedillerin yan. s.ra; Arap.a; Türk.e ve Hint.e'den de bir.ok .dün. s.zcük ge.mi.tir.;.nglizce'ye ba.ka dillerden ge.en kelimelerin büyük bir .o.unlu.u; .ngilizce'nin ses;yap.s.na uyum sa.lam..ken baz.lar. hala geldikleri dildeki .zelliklerini korumaktad.r.;.ngilizce; yabanc. s.zcükleri bünyesinde bar.nd.rma bak.m.ndan dünyan.n en;konuksever dillerinden biridir. ;Anahtar S.zcükler: ;Do.u k.kenli s.zcükler; .dün. s.zcükler; k.ken; yabanc. dil;..retimi; s.z da.arc....;Polonius: What do you read my Lord.;Hamlet: Words; words; words.;( Shakespeare; Hamlet);William E. Umbach; in the introduction to Webster's Dictionary; emphasizes the;importance of etymology which studies the origin and development of words; their;forms and meanings; ;"words; like poetry; can be treated as arbitrary mathematical symbols or;formulas. ;Sometimes this is necessary and expedient. But to do so can be like treating a diamond;simply as a material for the cutting of refractory substances. Seen as the product of perhaps;three thousand years of human experience; a word may not only have many facets; but many;somehow reflect with brilliant intensity the concentrated experience or insights of the;generations. It is still true that words can have a mysterious power to conjure up images; or;evoke visions; or stir up emotions deep-seated in the shared experience of mankind (X;XXII). ;No other existing language is perhaps as 'mysterious' as English in terms of;borrowings. A person who does not know English but knows French; Italian; Latin or;Spanish is certain to recognize a great number of familiar-looking and sounding words;when looking through an English book or listening to an English-speaking man. It is;true that English vocabulary; which is one of the most extensive among the world's;languages contains an immense number of words of foreign origin. Explanations for this;should be sought in the history of the nation speaking the language. A brief survey of;some historical facts is necessary here. ;In the first century B.C. most of the territory now known to us as Europe was;occupied by the Roman Empire. Among the inhabitants of the continent were Germanic;151