期刊名称:Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology
出版社:Oriental Scientific Publishing Company
摘要:The relationships between coupling and external quality factors of object-oriented software[1]have been studied extensively for the past few years. For example, a clear empirical relationshipbetween class-level coupling and the fault-proneness of the classes have been identified by severalstudies. A number of statistical techniques, principally Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC)analysis, Byte Code Instrumentation are used to facilitate the identification of such objects. Dynamiccoupling indicates the strength of association established by a connection from one software moduleto another at runtime. Despite the rich body of research in the field of software measurement, dynamiccoupling measurement for Aspect Oriented software is still missing. A dynamic coupling measurementframework for AspectJ[10] programs is presented in this paper. The framework consists of a suite ofmeasures for both method-level and class-level coupling relations. This paper also presents a newapproach towards static analysis, in particular class analysis to the computation of dynamic couplingmeasures and is designed to work on incomplete programs