摘要:In line with the flourishing development of sports tourism and the organization of international sports events in Malaysia, studies on sports priority in vacation motives would furnish fresh information on this sub-tourism. This paper presents the findings of a preliminary questionnaire study of 190 respondents on how far the sports factor would be given priority in their decision making on travelling in Penang. It was found that sports priority as a vacation motive was relatively low compared with other vacation motives such as recreation, leisure and visiting friends and relatives. The majority of respondents (>82%) regarded recreation as more important than physical fitness and entertainment. Findings also showed that while 74.4% of the respondents utilized the sports and recreation facilities provided in accommodation premises, only 63.2% participated in sports and recreation activities. Respondents agreed that sports and recreation events would not just fill their spare time (83.2%) but also become a tourist attraction (82.6%). In conclusion, it is time that strategies and measures be implemented to enhance the sports attraction of Malaysian resorts
关键词:Sports organization; sports tourism; sports priority; vacation motives; sport attraction