出版社:Society for Microwave Technique, Technologies and Systems, Serbia and Montenegro IEEE MTT-S Chapter
摘要:The linearization of the conventional tw o-way Doherty amplifier and two configurations of three-way Doherty amplifier has been performed in this paper. The fundamental signals' second harmonics (IM2) and fourth-order nonlinear signals (IM4) are exploited for linearization. In the case of two-way Doherty amplifier IM2 and IM4 signals extracted at the output of peaking cell are injected at the input and output of the carrier cell in Doherty amplifier. The linearization approach achieves very good results in the reduction of the third-order intermodulation products retaining the high efficiency of Doherty amplifier. When three-way Doherty amplifier is considered IM2 and IM4 signals are extracted at the output of peaking cells that operate at different bias conditions. The signals for linearization (IM2+IM4) generated at one peaking cell are led to the input of the carrier amplifier w hereas ones produced at the output of another peaking cell are directed to the carrier amplifier output. A s a result of linearization the third- an fifth order intermodulation products of Doherty amplifier are reduced, which is accompanied by the high efficiency of Doherty configuration
关键词:Doherty amplifier; linearization; power added ;efficiency; second harmonics; fourth-order nonlinear signals