期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:Infrastructures are necessary for economical growth of countries and the slow economic growth of these countries is because of their poor infrastructure. It usually needs huge capital, advanced technology and knowledge of management which developing countries with low income can't afford them; so they need cooperation of foreign countries. In this paper, we try to find a solution for that and find how the existing collaborations and partnerships of other countries are on basis of infrastructure in Iran and what are the improving and strengthening of this cooperation. We use the analytical and qualified description statics of other countries experiences in field of direct investment (FDI) in infrastructures. The results show that Iran has an average position in attraction of foreign investment in comparison of other countries in Middle East; it means Iran is more successful of some countries and is less successful of another countries. We conclude that liberalization, privatization and the restructuring of infrastructure sectors are considered as the majority solutions for promotion of Iranian contribution in FDI attraction for infrastructures
关键词:Iran; Public and private partnerships; Foreign Direct Investment; Middle East ;countries.