期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:In Sindh, there is a different criterion for appointing teachers at public sector higher secondaryschools and colleges (grade 11 & 12) regarding the professional prerequisites. Normally, thehigher secondary school teachers known as 'subject specialists' require masters in bothrelevant subject and professional degree i.e. M. Ed. for appointment; whereas, the collegelecturers require only masters in relevant subject for appointment. The presentphenomenological study aimed to find out similarities and differences between professionalteaching skills and teachers' overall attitudes at both levels from learners' perspective in DistrictHyderabad (Sindh). It involved purposive sampling of 30 students (15 for each category) withalmost equal number of boys and girls. The data were collected through in-depth interviewsand focus group discussions to understand the phenomenon as perceived by the respondents.They were analyzed descriptively using appropriate themes. The findings from the respondentsrevealed that both the subject specialists with masters in professional degrees and collegelecturers with no such professional degree equally lacked in their professional teaching skillsand content knowledge at the two levels; they were found less competitive even withcenturies' old lecture method
关键词:Perceptions; Teaching; Higher Secondary Schools; Colleges; Professional Teaching