期刊名称:International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
出版社:Human Resource Management Academic Research Society
摘要:The terrestrial surface is confronting the jeopardy, facing the havoc and combating the atrocityof price hike that is worsening its social and economic spheres while bringing obnoxious resultsto the social stability and national development of the subject vulnerable masses. This studywas conducted in DistrictSwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwaprovince of Pakistan, which evidentlydescribes the socio-economic and psychological impacts of price hike on low-incomehouseholds. Data was collected from 180 respondents of low-income households of the 4Union Councils (TehsilMatta) that were purposively selected through cluster samplingtechnique using interview schedule. The collected data has been assessed with the applicationof Chi-square test followed by tabular presentation in support with bar-charts, which havefurther been discussed on the basis of findings and results. The results show that price hikebeing a critical and sizzling phenomenon has numerous consequences upon the socio-economicand psychological well-being of low-income households, which demoralize their overallprosperity. The study strongly recommends awareness among masses, need based planningand practice of proper policy, confrontation and penalty to the misdemeanors and hoarders and remunerative role of mass media are foreseeable that may bring assistance in alleviation ofthe curses of price hike