Social Networking Service (SNS) have become widely used in Japan in recent years with Facebook, mixi, Twitter and Google+ being the most popular. Big Disaster happened at 11/March/2011 in the east part of Japan. It is well known that Facebook played important role in communication under the condition that telephone and/or cellular phone connected with Internet could not make link. These are used in various fields of life together with the convenient devices such as smart-phones. Furthermore, such free applications as LINE、comm、KAKAKO Talk are often used by the young people and diversified communication methods came to be supported. A questionnaire investigation was used to clarify the current usage condition, issues and desired function etc. Information for marketing purposes was then extracted. Fundamental Statistical Analysis, Hypothesis testing were then performed. Reviewing past research, there are some related papers, but they do not include new tools which are evolving rapidly. Moreover there has been little research conducted on this precise topic. Some interesting results were obtained.