摘要:Digital media and technologyare usedin our everydaylife.But the questionisdowe, and if we do, how often we use themin the classroom.Their rolein educationisveryimportantbecausethe waywe use these servicesenhancesthe qualityof teaching andwholeeducation process and thusimproving the learning outcomes. Application of newtechnologiesandtoolswhich are availableonlinein the teachingprocesshas a correspondingeffect onmotivationand learning. The aimof the surveywas to assess thefrequency of useof digitalmedia (newermultimediacontentsuch asinteractivewebgames, lectures that aredesignedoraccessedusing adigital device, includingcomputers, mobiledevices, DVDs, CDs andtheInternet)and traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers) andsocialnetworks (onlinecommunitiesof peoplewho sharecommon interestsand/or activities) inteaching, learningandexerciseprograms, databases, games, experimentsin thesimulationofcomplexcommunication andcooperativeenvironmentof the teachingstaffof UniversityCentre forProfessionalstudies, with an emphasis on teaching negotiation skills