摘要:Business Communication is essentially a phenomenon, a process, an art and a science needed actants and is omnipresent in a society where competition is increasingly fierce. Therefore, business communication can be studied from the perspective of economic development, environment, culture national history axiologiei, ethics and psychology. Also, a relevant research co m unic.rii business requires a systemic approach and its behavior. Whatever the subject of communication in business a nd approached the point of view, using the structural-functionalist paradigm in the definition and communication analysis, but also procedural and semiotic models, the study of communication, sociological research methods are absolutely necessary. Way, business communication research can be used effectively, at least, the method of observation, investigation method, experimental methods, biographical method and method Call blindness, because communication is primarily a social phenomenon. Representing a content analysis of forms ized observation often useful research methodology in business comm
关键词:research methods; business communication; communication model; observation; content ;analysis