摘要:The proposal of this research line is the search for alternatives to the resolution ofcomplex problems where human knowledge should be apprehended in a generalfashion.In particular, the activities developed so far can be included in the area of MedicalDiagnosis, even though similar applications in other fields are not discarded.In general, one of the greatest problems of medical diagnosis is the subjectivity of thespecialist. The experience of the professional greatly affects the final diagnosis. Thisis due to the fact that the result does not depend on a systematized solution, but onthe interpretation of the patient's answer.The solution to this kind of problems can be found in the area of Adaptive PatternRecognition, where the solution rests on the easiness with which the systems adaptsto the information available, in this case coming from the patient.In this sense, neural networks are extremely useful, since they are not only capableof learning with the aid of an expert, but they can also make generalizations based onthe information from the input data, thus showing relations that are a priori of acomplex nature
关键词:Neural Networks; Adaptive Pattern Recognition; Medical Diagnosis