期刊名称:Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (EJPE)
出版社:Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics
摘要:OHN B.DAVISis professor of economics at Marquette University (USA) and professor of the history and philosophy of economics at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). He holds PhDs in both philosophy (1983, University of Illinois; under the supervision of Richard Schacht) and economics (1985, Michigan State University; under the supervision of John P. Henderson and Warren J. Samuels). He has published on many areas in the philosophy, history, ethics, and methodology of economics. His published monographs include Keynes's philosophical development (Cambridge, 1994); The theory of the individual in economics (Routledge, 2003); and Individuals and identity in economics (Cambridge, 2011). He co-authored Economic methodology: understanding economics as a science (Palgrave, 2010) with Marcel Boumans. In addition to his research on identity and the theory of the individual, he has written extensively on recent changes in economics. He is a past president of the History of Economics Society (HES), the International Network for Economic Method (INEM), and the Association for Social Economics (ASE), and past vice-president of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET). He is a past editor of the Review of Social Economy, and is currently co-editor with D. Wade Hands of the Journal of Economic Methodology