Managerial activities and their relationship with self perceptions and other perceptions have been rarely studiedin a banking unit. What makes a manager are the nine important managerial activities he/she performs identifiedfrom the literature. The time and importance given to these is studied here within the context of the twomanagerial positions i.e. the senior and the middle managers based on managerial self reports and perceptions ina Pakistani bank. The first aim of the study was to find out the role difference existing between the two groups.The second aim was to find out a match between importance and time spent on the activities of single managerand the third aim was to find out the difference in perception of senior versus middle managers about theactivities in a dyadic one to one relationship of a single banking branch. The results of the study revealed that(1). The two management levels due to their different roles differ in time and importance they give on four outof nine activities (2). Dyadic group comparison revealed the existence of disparity between self reports andreports by knowledgeable others on time spent on activities. (3). The comparison of importance of activitiesexhibited greater number of similarities between the perceptions of one group for the other group. In someinstances differences were also observed from which important lessons were learned.