摘要:J.L. Butrica argues that Aristophanes' lost Thesmophoriazusae II ought to be dated to the late 420s and may be the source of an anecdote in Satyros' Life of Euripides about a hostile encounter between the tragic poet and Athens' women. We present the fragments and offer a detailed response to Butrica, arguing that Aristophanes' play must date to 416 or later, and that there is no positive evidence that Satyros knew it. Among the fragments of Aristophanes' lost comedies are 28 (frr. 331-58 K-A, totalling 54 lines or fragments of lines, plus a few words and phrases cited out of context) from another Thesmophoriazusae (hereafter 'Thesmophoriazusae II', or 'Th. II').1Thesmophoriazusae II is undated but has generally been assigned to some time after the preserved play of 411 BCE.2Its plot and general contents are obscure, although a few basic elements of the action can perhaps be recovered