摘要:Variability identification and realization are the critical in comp onen t design s ince ex ten dability andreusability of application can co me from these. Com pon en t withou t variability mechanism can be custo mizedfor new req uirement reg ardless of com pon en t techno logy . It means tech nolo gy can 't be a so lution bu td esign paradig m is more critical po int for su ccessful reuse. In th is paper, onto logy con cept an d ontolo gyim plementation techn iques are applied fo r variability realization . Pro perty variability , interface v ariability,fun ctio nality variability can b e m odeled in property o ntolo gy, interface onto lo gy and rule of on tolog y.On to logy -b ased arch itecture and realization environ ment are p ro sed . Small case for v erifying th e feasibilityo f propsed ap proach is described
关键词:produ ct line engin eering; v ariab ility m an ag em en t; onto lo gy; reusable asset