摘要:For providi ng U-health care service need of Co ntext-awareness secu rity framework th at can service tos uitable u ser throug h device same as m obile in order to solv e p rob lem th at is analyzing and evaluatingco ntext information that is collected by senso r. M ultimo dal interaction ag en t is s en ding metho d that in terpretto su itab le form from inform atio n by fin ding v ariou s m eth od in order to commu nicate to user. Inu biqu iotou s service, users' behavio r can use data of co re in mu ltimod al and co ntext-aware then th at prov ideim proved secu rity service. In this paper, we propo se context-awaren ess security framework by adaptingu -h ealthcare area where is stud ied in recently abou t using multim odal interaction agent th at is available ofs uitable serv ice to vaild user thro ugh each users' collected co ntext in fo rmation
关键词:Multi-mo dal; Context-Aware; Fram ework; Agent; Secu rity ; U-healthcare