摘要:Tod ay , It will b e necessatr to keep interp erability am ong information systems with the sp read o f in ternet.B ut it m ay be hard to v alid ate in terop erability s ystemically to in terop erate the information ex ch an ged am ongh eterogeno us sy stem s with out any p rob lem of security. In th is p ap er we su ggest the system p rofilingtechn iq ue to valid ate in terop erability for addin g the function of sys tem secu rity. This techniq ue will beim proved po ssibly to do the v alid atio n of interoperab ility o n th e hetero genou s com plicated systems with th eb asic LISI m odel's p ro file
关键词:In terperab ility ; Validation ; Profile; C ompo site System