摘要:Infrastructure for system tran sfer to web b ased env iro nment as intern et techno logy an d distribu ted..co mputin g en vironm en ts h av e b een develop ed. Existing sy stem und er mainframe o r clien t/server b ased..co mputin g en vironm en t sh ould b e mig rated in to new p latform. In this paper, we propo se th e strategy tod ecid e the scop e an d techniq ue of com pon en tization from legacy sy stem what can b e the assets. In thereen gineerin g metho dolog y of leg acy s ystem, th e g oals of p lan ning phase are identified th e p rob lem s oflegacy sy stem and improvement strateg y. Fo r do ing this, we sho uld id en tify the bu siness value ofreen gineerin g an d co mpo nentization . So, in this paper, we propo se value estimated metho ds of..co mpon entization and criteria for deciding the sco pe and method of comp onen tizat
关键词:co mpo nentizatio n; clien t/s erver compu ting; eng ineering metho ds; legacy sys tem s