摘要:As im portance of secu rity is rap idly in creasin g recently , in this p ap er, we implement an intruderd etection sys tem usin g im ag e tran smission b ased on ZigBee/IEEE 80 2.15.4 netwo rk ing. The p ro poseds ystem is comp osed o f many senso r modu les of in frared, temperatu re, hu midity and illu mination , togetherwith RFID reader and cam era mo dules. Th is sy stem is imp lemen ted on th e Ubiquito us Sen sor Netwo rku sing ZigBee protocol, an d controlled in the Wind ow-b ased M FC program. This sy stem will be applied tolo w-cost and lo w-po wer image-b ased ZigBee produ cts an d will b e pro vide go od s ecurity, user con veniencean d easy u se.
关键词:Zig Bee; Intru der detection sy stem ; Image transmissi on; RFID