摘要:This paper is focused on user beh av ior analysis based o n U-hom e observed data. it is a d ifficu lt task ofu ser b eh av ior mod eling throug h analyzing v ariou s user behavior data. We app ly to Goal-o riented analys isto extract a limited & righ t user b eh avior data. Throug h us in g o ur UBA(User Behavior Analyst) tool, wecan identify the redu ndan cy o f beh av ior p attern s, m easu re the n umb er of the freq uency, an d ex tract th ecritical u ser behaviors. We are ab le to m odel and develop sy stem based on the critical us er b eh av ioran aly sis. With o ur too l of UBA(User Behavior Analys t), We sh ow to extract U-Hom e Secu rity Mo delth ro ugh analyzing user behavior d ata in Ubiqu itous Ho me Environm en t
关键词:UBA(Us er Beh avior An aly sis); Ub iquito us Home Network; R eq uirem en t Eng ineering; Goal;Oriented Analys is