摘要:M obile Software is ru nnin g on th e sp ecific mob ile d ev ices and need very secure assu rance duringd evelopmen t life cy cle for p erfo rm s certain secure tasks fo r the u ser o f the mo bile app lications . Extremep ro gram ming (XP) is a mod ern ap pro ach for iterative develop ment o f software in wh ich yo u n ev er wait forth e com plete req uirements and s tart d evelopmen t. Security is usu ally u nno ticed du rin g early phases ofs oftware life cy cle. In this paper, our main objective is to fo cu s on secu rity requirem en ts at each ph ase ofs oftware life cycle. In this regard , XP is a k ey so lution that p rov ides u s with a guid e with the ease torech eck ou r security requirem en ts, if th ey are u nno ticed at an y step of software life cycle. Bas ed on XPtechn iq ue, a n ew mo del has been design ed that fo cu ses on th e co ncep t of iterativ e d ev elo pment o f secures oftware. In add ition, th is paper is a g uide for d ev elo pers to d ev elo p s ecure software as m ost o f th es oftware d evelopers are n ot train ed for software secu rity
关键词:Software Security; Software Life cycle; Extrem e Prog ramm in g (XP)