摘要:This p ro posed architecture for wearable senso rs can be used as activ e tag s which can track pu pil'slo cation with in the scho ol's prem is es, identify p ossible atopic d ermatitis with as thma allergens, it wouldm onito r and generate a health s tatu s report o f the p upil. Pre s ch ools with s tate of the art facilities thatwo uld p ro vide n ot ju st acad em ic ex cellence bu t also ensu re th e safety an d p ro vide efficien t healthcare toth eir p upils relative to Atopic Derm atitis with Asthm a is th e main o bjectiv e of th is research One o f th em ost prom ising app lication s of s en sor netwo rk s is fo r hu man healthcare mon itorin g. Du e to recen ttechn ological adv an ces in sen sor, low p ower m icroelectron ics and miniaturization , and wireless networkingen ab le the design an d proliferation of this wireless sensor network s cap ab le o f auton omo usly mo nitoringan d co ntrolling env iron ments. Thu s, this research p resents the utilizatio n of s uch micro electron ic sens or andp lots the h ardware an d software architectu re of a wireless sensor netwo rk sy stem with real-time pup ilm onito ring that in teg rates vital sig n sen sors, locatio n senso r an d allerg en senso
关键词:ato pic dermatitis ; m icro sen sor; health mo nitoring system