摘要:The research d ep icts an architectu ral stru ctu re us in g mo bile co mpu ting which will plo t a chart ofAn tito xin plann er syn ch ron ous with the parent's pers onal planner so as to set a schedu le amenable to bothth e parties and a notification th ro ugh will b e g en erated . Diseases can b e prevented by prop er im mun izationp ro cedu res, h owever, with mo st p arents wo rkin g in this generation and no t m ost clin ics pay mu ch attentiono n the indiv id ual planning an d notification s of their p atients, this research will sh ow a so lu tion to su chcrucial issu e.. This will be a too l for paren ts and as sistan ce to clinics an d ho spitals catering An titoxinss hots fo r child ren
关键词:Antito xin; Planner; Hand held Device; Security Threats; Vulnerab ility