摘要:In dev elop ed and dev elo ping cou ntries, Ubiqu ito us Health care techno lo gy is g ain ing mu ch attentio n.M any n ew projects are based on Ub iquito us Healthcare. It has p ro vided a lotof answers to th e cu rren tp ro blems o f th e medical as well as the com puting area. Ho wever, Security in Information Acces s fo r th ep atients esp ecially children can be easily accessed . In this p ap er, we consid er security issues du e toin creas ing access sharin g of p atient information reso urces in the n etwo rked env iron ment. A new efficien taccess control in order to p ro vide v ariou s security characteristics, such as au thenticatio n, confidentiality,in teg rity and non -rep udiation for ubiq uitou s sys tem s is p rop osed
关键词:id en tity-based sign cryp tion; access co ntrol; ubiq uitou s healthcare sy stem